Thursday, January 6, 2011

Playing soccer is like Salsa dancing?! Who would have thought ...

Yeah .. I know right. How do those two even relate to one another.

Well, I was walking into the gym on base yesterday to start my workout and I was stopped by a male and female Soldier. I had on my old college soccer shirt and so they asked if I used to play soccer. I replied yes and then realized what made them ask when I saw my shirt. Well the guy continued to tell me that him and some of his platoon were getting a co-ed indoor soccer team together and needed some more people on their team. He was like, "I swear .. I am not trying to hit on you, I am happily married but I just saw your shirt and was curious if you were interested." Well .. I haven't played in almost two years now and I have been looking for a co-ed team to play, whether it be indoor or outdoor, and I told him that I was definitly interested. Especially since it will help keep me busy and make the time go by even quicker. Soldier used to play soccer too, he is way better than me though .. Like travel to Europe to play better. So I have been trying to find some teams so when he is back from deployment we can play together and have fun. Well I posted on my Facebook status how I got offered to play again. No big deal, I'm thinking. One of Soldier's friends commented on it and said "You're so gullible Sarah ... That is such a pick-up line." It completely wasn't. I know and have been hit on several times both when Soldier is home and when he's been deployed. This guy was genuinely asking if I was interested in just playing some soccer. Anyway .. Long story short. I gave BOTH the guy and girl my information for them to call me and let me know when it starts and all that good stuff.

Well .. Soldier gets online today. Yeah, of course, it's through Google chat. But hey, I'll take it. His first response to me was "Okay I need to talk to you about a few things.." Immediately know something is up. He continues and says "There's a group of married women..." I was like oh goodness, we're going down this road. He continues .. "That are offering Salsa dancing lessons .. Would you mind if I took the class with them." No. Nope. No, because I have always wanted to take lessons just me and him, not him with someone else, married or not. Well his sly-self then stated "Well then you can't play soccer" ... URG! He caught me blindsided with that comment. There was never any Salsa classes he was going to take. He straight up compared playing CO-ED soccer to Salsa dancing with married women. I mean, please explain to me the resemblances if you understand it, because in my eyes .. It is completely different. But I respect what Soldier asks and given the environment and extra worry he is dealing with. I somehow, someway understand and am not going to be playing soccer. Break my heart, since it is my passion. He said he doesn't want me around "sleezy Soldiers that are trying to hit and pick up on his wife." Well, shucks babe, thanks for being so protective of me, but it was nowhere near that situation. It would have been perfectly safe soccer, on base, with other men AND women, just having some fun on the weekends. But ... Nothing to do or say now. The decision has been made and it's over with. He proceeded to go on and on about how they are probably "swingers" .. "just wanting to get in my pants" .. "They are just looking to do scandelous shit with you" .. Yadda, yadda. Like, really? Where do you come up with this stuff. He made me chuckle a bit with his wild assumptions.

He was in one of his venting, not so much angry, but I'm going to comment on every little thing that Facebook shows or your friends write about mood. You know what I mean? Just one of those days, I think he had a long, hard day. So I let him vent and just go on and on. We didn't fight at all, just I let him ramble. I had to end it early though because I needed to go to the gym and since I slacked on getting the car serviced yesterday, I had to do that today. Which I did and it's done until another three months or 3,000 miles! All in all, it turned out to be an okay conversation. Given the fact that we haven't spoken in a while, it wasn't a completely upsetting conversation. It ended well and I hope to hear from him again soon.

January is dragging by, don't you think. Bleh. School starts Monday. Yippee. "Back to schooool .. Back to schooool .. To prove to Dad that I'm not a fooool." Oh Billy Madison, you make me giggle. I hope ya'll had a good Thursday. Tomorrow's Friday! For those of you that work, go to school, have a spouse deployed, or just are looking forward to the weekend! Another week is almost down. Thank goodness!

Until next time ...


  1. Lol. I remember those conversations. They come up with some bizarre reasons to be upset when they are deployed, don't they? You know it's just because they are stressed, tired, overworked, and missing us though :)

  2. Lol. That is exactly the reasoning behind it :). It's okay though, I love him for it.
