Sunday, January 30, 2011

Missing in action ...

I know my blogs have been somewhat repetitive. Just not too much to write about lately .. Or I just haven't felt the need to write lately. I am in a funk. One of those damn deployment funks. We have hit halfway and I feel like time has stopped. I always say .. "Once you hit halfway, then it is all downhill from there." Which is true. But, damn January has been the longest month in my entire life. Or at least it feels like it right now. Thank GOD February is a short month. I need some quickness in my life. One more day till February. One more. Hold on Sarah, almost there. Almost done. We are so close. Keep your head up and keep positive. He IS thinking of you and missing you just as much as you miss and think of him. I need his voice. It has been so long since I have had his voice. Getting online for five minutes and barely having a conversation is not cutting it right now. Yes, granted, I take it over nothing, but that is not a real conversation in my eyes. Urg. I am just thinking about it too much. Another week has come and gone, which means another week closer to my Soldier. That's all I need to be thinking about.


Last day of my photo challenge, hopefully since I was counting the days this past month, that now that I won't be counting days anymore .. Time will fly by. We'll see.

Until next time ...

Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss .. (January 30, 2011)

I miss you.
More and more each day.
I cannot wait for our reunion.
Be safe.
Hurry home.
I love you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-nine ...

Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile .. (January 29, 2011)

These are just two of many photo's that make me smile. If I could. I would post my entire collection of photographs that I have. Such amazing, fun, and in their own way meaningful memories.

On left - Little drunkies while on our cruise to the Caribbean. We stopped
in Cozumel, Mexico and attempted to hit every bar we saw walking down the street. We only made it to one more after this then ended up passing out for the entire rest of the night, ordered some delicious fatty room service and then slept some more. Lol. Priceless memories.

On right - Halloween 2009. My wonderful man of mine went as a pedafile. Yes. This is who I am spending the rest of my life with. Lol. This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. It was after a game of flip cup, which Soldier did soo amazing at ;). He was just standing there, not sure what he was looking at. But the look on his face and the way he is standing .. I just find hilarious. I love this man :). Lol.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-eight ...

Pretty blah days I've had. Haven't heard from Soldier in a while. I am sure he is back out in the fight and keeping busy. Sorry it's been so boring. Hopefully something exciting will come along.

Is January over yet? Urg.

 Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of .. (January 28, 2011)

I don't know what I would do.
I couldn't live.
I couldn't breathe.

Keep your promises.
I need you here.
You are my life.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-seven ...

Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member .. (January 27, 2011)

My two favorites .. Although we are more like brother and sisters. You two mean more than anything in this world to me. Watching you grow and mature into the amazing, smart, gorgeous (and handsome) people that you are today could not be expressed in words. I am so lucky to be related to you two. I cannot wait to see where your future will take you. I know you both can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. The sky is the limit and I know you both will go so far in life. I love you two so much. I miss you both each and every single day. Xoxo

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-six ...

Wow ... January has seriously been the longest month in my entire life. When will it ever end? Grrr .. I am not sure if this photo challenge has helped make the days go by quicker or perhaps just dragged the days along since I am counting each day, which is something I never do. Thankfully February is such a short month. I need something to go by quick to pick my spirits up and reassure me that time is truly going by fast. Bleh, booo January. You can leave and be over already. Thanks.

Until next time ...

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you .. (January 26, 2011)

This Army bear was handed down to me from Soldier's Grandmother. His name is Hero and is from the USO in Georgia. He watches over me and the boys while Soldier is away. He keeps us safe and reassures us that our Soldier will be home safe and sound to us soon.
"We all pray, when day is done, that freedom comes to everyone!"

This is LoveBuggs, my deployment doggie for our first deployment to Iraq. Since I have two live ones for this deployment, he sleeps in our room on my dresser looking over me and helping me through all the sleepless nights and rough mornings while Soldier is away.

Soldier gave me the nickname, "Koala Bear" when we first started dating due to the fact that we were goofing around and having fun one time and I jumped onto his back and hooked my arms and legs around his body and wouldn't let go. I kept laughing and laughing while he walked around the house and he then said that I looked like a "Koala Bear" on his back. So it stuck. He sleeps on my dresser and reminds me every day of all the good and fun times that Soldier and I have had, and for all the many more to come in our future :).

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-five ...

Day 25 - A picture of your day .. (January 25, 2011)

Got a good workout in at the track on post and then laid in the middle of the field with Morgan just chatting. Good day today. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-four ...

No new information from Soldier. He has been grounded until he gets some MRI results from the doctor. He is doing okay, but getting extremely anxious to get back out in the fight. Typical. He is hoping to get results either today or tomorrow. Keep us in your thoughts.

Until next time ...

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change .. (January 24, 2011)

Rescuing Sammy was one of the best feelings in the world. We do not know his backstory, but he was just left and tied to the door of the no-kill shelter .. He spent a YEAR in the shelter before we came into his life and adopted him. He is the most sweetest,
most gentle dog. He has such great manners and you can truly see how happy he is to have such a great home and parents :).

Each time I see a commercial or TV show about animal cruelty, my heart breaks. I look at my two dogs and am so thankful they have the life they do. If I had the money and land I would adopt so many more and make sure they all have good homes.

Eff' those people that abuse their animals. Let's give you a beating and see how you like it. Shame on you. I hope you rot in hell.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-three ...

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book .. (January 23, 2011)

Must reads. Both of them.

Alice Sebold is absolutely brilliant and I fell in love with her writing the minute I opened her book. She has another great book called "Lucky." That I also recommend to read. Both books have such great storylines and great meanings behind them. Go. Go buy them. Read them both.

Ethan Hawke. Surprised? I was too. His book is amazing. The way he writes is exactly how if I were to write my thoughts down, they would look. If that makes sense. He curses, he writes short sentences. I just love this book and have read it over and over again. Never heard of it? Go buy it. I guarantee you will love it too.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty-two ...

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at .. (January 22, 2011)

I find ballet to be so incredibly beautiful and graceful. I would give anything to have continued dancing ballet, let alone start when I was younger. One of my dreams in life .. Is to someday learn pointe. I will accomplish that dream. I am determined.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Denial .. Meet reality ...

Okay .. So the way I deal with deployment, I believe I've mentioned this before, is with denial. It's just .. What I do. It makes it easier for me. I am sure it is not healthy, but hey .. Whatever works for you. I stick things all the way back in my head and try my hardest to just forget about them or to not let them get to me. I am the type that when I hear bad news, my mind lets loose and I think THE worst. Like, the worst. I cannot help it. Just the way I am. I think and start planning for everything to just fall apart and the world to end. Little dramatic right. Bleh, oh well. It's who I am, sadly.

Well .. Two days ago, I get a wake up call from Soldier. Yeah, surprise surprise .. Our first phone call in who knows how long and it has to be with bad news. All he said to me at first was if Brigade has got into contact with me. I replied no, and said should I be expecting their call. He continued and said yes, I can't say much yet, but I am okay, but ... (Yes, when I heard the word "but" my heart did drop into my stomach) ... I was involved in a blast. Uhh, urrr .. Okay, a blast. What exactly does that mean. I didn't reply and he said I can't say any more. I will try and call back when I can. He said I love you then hung up the phone. My heart dropped, like what the fuck was going on here. I don't know how, but I fell asleep for about two more hours. No word from Brigade, but another wake up call from Soldier. Again, the first thing he asks is if I have heard from Brigade. I said no. He continues and says well .. I can tell you the basics on what happened. I am okay. He kept saying that over and over, which I am sure is for my own reassurance and which is what I needed. I said okay and he started telling me what happened.

Soldier and his platoon were on a patrol and a suicide bomber, not knowing exactly what he was at first, started walking up to them. They were about six feet away .. Yes, SIX FEET AWAY. When the bastard set himself off. My Soldier was the closest out of all of them and suffered the worst. He caught shrapnel and suffered a concussion. Once I heard the words suicide bomber, the tears were already flowing. Six feet away. That is .. Uhm .. Just a little too close for comfort for me. He made the comment to me, that luck was definitly on their sides today because that day could have easily become my worst nightmare. He said I could have easily been getting news at my front door rather than news from him personally. I knew what he meant. I cried more. I mean, I know he is okay. But .. That hits home. That hits reality. It's just too close. Knowing that if someone or luck wasn't on our side that day .. I could be planning a funeral right now.

I mean .. Of course it makes me so incredibly thankful. More than words could express. But it makes me think .. Why? Why us? I mean, why was luck on OUR side THAT day? Was it not our turn? Is there some other plan or route that our lives are supposed to take? Six feet away .. That is definitly luck, how could it not be? That is luck that nothing more sever happened. Am I making any sense? Am I just thinking stupid and overreacting? I hate to think this way because it didn't turn out that way, but I mean .. Can you blame me? You're telling me that these exact thoughts wouldn't be running through your mind?

*Sigh* I don't know. That whole day when I found out that news, I was in a blur. Just in a funk. It really makes you think. It really makes you realize how incredibly precious life is. It can easily be taken from you .. In just a split second. I could be sitting here writing something, god forbid, horrible and heartbreaking to you right now. But .. I am not. And I just have to keep telling myself that. I have to stay positive, not only for myself but for Soldier. He needs that more than anything right now. I just have to get back into my routine where denial takes over. When bad news like this hits, it definitly takes a few days .. Or weeks. Urg. But I am okay. Everything is fine. Soldier is fine. That is all that matters.

Soldier, of course, wants to get cleared and get back out there as soon as he can. Typical. And I support that. He needs to do what he loves, he loves what he does, and he feels useless otherwise unless he is out doing it. I support that. As long as he is happy, that is all I care about. We have a saying .. "Keep your promises." He replied today by, "I'm trying..." Which breaks my heart but I know that he is. He is doing all he can to keep those. I asked him via internet if he still felt confident in the fact that he is going to keep his promises to me. He said yes, Newman (one of his fellow brother in arms that was killed in action in October 2010), my Grandpa and your Grandpa are all looking over me, Sarah. I got terribly lucky the other day and I know it is because they were there. Urg, break my heart even more. I cried some more. But it is so true. He also made some sweet comments to me while we had that phone call. He said he is so incredibly sorry for all the fights we have had and that he loves me more than anything in this world .. Along with some other lovey-dovey comments.

Needless to say, I have never ever thought luck was on my side .. Up until two days ago. Never take anything for granted. Never think it couldn't happen to you, because life is crazy. Life is unpredictable. But we just have to continue living, not worrying about it and just making sure we live each day as if it is our last, tell everyone we truly care about how much we love them and cherish them, and just keep having faith and believing that everything will truly and honestly be okay. Stay positive. Without positive thoughts .. We could never get out of this world alive. Be thankful. Be appreciative. Next time you talk to your spouse or friend or family member, just tell them you love them. No matter if you are in a fight, never go a day without making sure they know how much they matter to you.

Until next time ...


Thursday, January 20, 2011

*Siiiigh* ...

I have something to write about tomorrow .. But I have an insanely bad headache and possible sinus infection. Bare with me, I will write tomorrow when I get some rest and feel better.

It's been a rough couple days .. Urg.

The Great Challenge: Day Twenty ...

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel .. (January 20, 2011)

Being Italian .. I would love to travel and see all of Italy. Preferrably, I would love to become fluent in Italian and research my family tree to see not only where my relatives used to live, but perhaps .. I would get lucky to see some long-lost family members.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Nineteen ...

Day 19 - A picture and a letter .. (January 19, 2011)

Dear my Brother Tony, Sister-in-law Kelly, and my adorable Niece Sofia,
I miss you three more than words could express. I am so incredibly happy for you three and Sofia has truly stolen my heart. I cannot wait to see you three again and next time Soldier will be home to meet his Niece that he is dying to see. She is absolutely gorgeous and is such a lucky baby to have great parents like you two. Tony, you have always been such an inspiration to me in all your determination and dedication. You have taught me to never give up on any of my dreams. I love you and am so lucky to call you my brother. Kelly, you are such a gorgeous woman .. Inside and out and I cannot express my gratitude for keeping my brother so incredibly happy. You three deserve nothing more in this world than love and happiness! :)
Auntie Sarah

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Run, Forest, RUN! ...

Yesterday was my first day for training for a half-marathon in May. I have always been huge into running, especially since my one passion is Soccer which contains a ton of running. So I have always wanted to accomplish a marathon of some sort. Some other girls and I are beginning to train and hopefully come May we will reach our goals and be able to accomplish a half-marathon. We are hoping to do some fun, little 5K's at the end of each month up until May. I don't think we are going to be crazy and plan to finish in the top ten or anything .. But as long as I finish at a decent time, I will be just as happy. I love running, I love being able to set a goal and stay determined to reach it.  I will keep ya'll updated as much as I can. So far .. I have been running a consistent three to five miles a day. So I am hoping to inch that up each day. So, on that note .. Wish me luck!

The Great Challenge: Day Eighteen ...

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity .. (January 18, 2011)

I can be the most self-confident person one day .. And the next, I can be the most insecure person.

I'm not afraid to admit that. I am a normal human being with plenty of flaws .. I need reassurance more than you know. I am afraid of never being good enough. That I will fail in school or that I won't make my parents or Soldier proud.

I am imperfectly perfect .. And I wouldn't change a certain thing about me. My flaws and insecurity make me who I am today, and Soldier obviously loves me for all of me .. Flaws, insecurities, and imperfectness and all :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Seventeen ...

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently .. (January 17, 2011)

Gold Star Families are those who have lost a loved one in any combat zone in any of the armed forces.

This second deployment has a whole new effect on me. Maybe it's because I am away from both our families, living alone and taking c
are of our house and our two dogs.

Either way .. It has hit me a lot harder this deployment on how many true heroes are taken from us each and every day. The grief and heartbreak that those families have to deal with, is beyond words and something I truly hope I never have to feel. Those families have showed me true strength, love, and patience. They have made me cherish every single moment I get to talk to Soldier, made me realize that life is fragile and could be taken at a blink of an eye, and made me truly live each day the best that I could. My heart goes out to all of these families .. Especially those wives who have lost their husbands, no matter what age they are, I think of you everyday. Thank you to all our service members, for your courageous ultimate sacrifice. You truly will never be forgotten. <3<3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reality check ...

The Great Challenge: Day Sixteen ...

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you .. (January 16, 2011)

Personally .. I don't care if this comes out vain.

Besides Soldier and my family that inspire me just as much, I inspire myself more than anything.

Without pushing myself to be in great shape in all my sports and to always play my best, to always work hard at my education and set goals and strive to be better than what I expected, and to overcome all the obstacles I had to go through (good or bad) in my lifetime up to this point .. I would never be the person I am today. I would never have felt as accomplished as I do now, so far in my life, and I still have so many goals that I plan to achieve. I am my own inspiration, because without believing and pushing yourself .. You won't get anywhere in this life.
Now .. Usually with the past photographs for this challenge, I have always posted them as soon as I got online. I would see what the challenge called for that day and I would search through my pictures and decide which to put that was absolutely perfect and suits that day .. Today was a little different. It has been a lazy Sunday, so there's a reason this post is being published so late. When I read this day's challenge about who inspire's me .. At first, it ran through my mind as "oh this is easy." Wrong. Of course my Soldier crossed my mind, but I always put him and, honestly, if I could and wanted to make this photo challenge boring, I could find ways to put him as every single day. But I don't want that. I have other people in my life that mean just as much. My family does inspire me, in all that I do. Or at least, deep down I hope they would no matter what decision I decide. Now, when I refer to family this one time .. I am somewhat aiming directly at my Sister. We are in a .. I guess you would call it a fight. We never fight, yes we disagree. Everyone disagrees one point or another. But we are not only Sisters .. We are best friends. I cannot even begin to start explaining how close we are. So, as normal as it is, when I moved cross country to start my own life with Soldier. It completely broke us. She is four years older than me and although she went off and did the College thing .. She was still in the same state and only six hours away from family. Compared to me being thousands of miles away. But you adjust, you learn to deal with it because life is not a fairytale and people have their own lives which is somtimes, like in our situation, in a completely different state. It happens. You deal with it.
Well, I don't feel like getting into the specific details .. But we are just in a fight right now and when I read today's challenge, I automatically wanted to put her. Because she has always been the one to push me the hardest in all my sports, education, or any of my situations I had to deal with. She is definitly my rock. No matter a fight or not. But with the things that have been said back and forth lately, it just didn't feel right to put her as my challenge photograph. I am not trying to sound immature here, but it made me think for, well .. All day long and made me realize that I am the one who inspires myself more than anyone in this life. I would not be the person I am today if I .. MYSELF .. Didn't push or believe in doing what I wanted or what needed to be done in my life. I guess you could just say that today, although it is just a lame Facebook photo challenge that is keeping me distracted each day .. It really hit home. This challenge made me question myself and made me realize that, although yes I had an amazing family and Soldier as a backbone .. I am truly the only person that has held myself up my entire life. It is always only you. Without believing in yourself in all that you do or want to achieve .. You will end up with nothing or nowhere. You are always your own inspiration. You can do anything you want to do in this life as long as you continue to strive and keep determined to get where you want to be. Never give that up or let anyone tell you differently. Don't ever forget that.
*Sigh* .. I am not trying to preach at all, so please do not take it that way by any means. I just .. Had a huge realization today and wanted to share. You can take it or leave it .. It really does not bother me either way.
But, until next time ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Fifteen ...

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die .. (January 15, 2011)

Don't ask me why .. But I really just want to snipe someone. Lol. Well maybe not someONE but maybe someTHING. Snipe something with a sniper gun. Hell yeah. Definitly. I want to do it :)

Lol .. On the reality side of doing something before I die. I would actually like to skydive, I am terrified of heights and the only way I am going is if I can be strapped to my Paratrooper :) .. So make that happen babe!

Friday, January 14, 2011

DJ got us falling in love again ...

So last night I went out with one of my girlfriends and two guys that are both mine and Soldier's really close friends. I usually never go out. I just hibernate in my little home with the boys and watchin Netflix and listening to good ole' country music each night. Well they text me and asked if I was up for going out .. So I said suuure, why the hell not. I deserve a decent night out. So I got myself all prettied up and went out with my friends.

Let's just say that last night .. Was the first night since Soldier deployed that I let loose and legitimately had a ton of fun. I danced and sang all night, yes .. I might have had one too many drinks, but that is why I have such great friends to always look after me when Soldier isn't here. We hung outside all night long and although there wasn't technically a dance floor outside, I made one. We danced on the benches, I was having fun with the security guard because he kept yelling at me for dancing on the benches .. But he was cool and laughing and let me sneak a couple minutes up there. I was just a dance machine last night, dancing all over the place. It was literally so much fun, I cannot say it enough. I am really glad I went out, I deserved that and definitly needed that. Now it will probably be another six months until I fully let loose again, back to hibernation mode.

I am just not a big partier, especially since Soldier is gone. And of course, the one night I do go out is when Soldier is available to communicate. Awesome. He wasn't mad, he was just .. I think upset and jealous. Which is understandable. Which .. Makes me feel horrible. So the typical girl that I am and lightweight, emotional drunk that I am .. I cried at the end of the night. But it was a good cry. The type that you have been needing and there is a reason but you just keep crying because of everything you have bottled up for so, so long. My friends understood, they know how much I miss Soldier and how much I wish he could have been there. So, naturally .. I woke up this morning feeling guilty. I always do that. Whenever I go out, I feel guilty because Soldier isn't here. He's out fighting a war and I went out and had fun without him. Unfair. I know he wants me to go out and have a good time and not be completely miserable when he's gone, but I can't help feeling guilty and sad that I went and did that without him. I have yet to talk to him, I have emailed him .. But we all know that Soldier isn't good at sending emails, he just likes receiving them.

I know he will get online when he has the time. Work and war comes first and foremost. I just, at least, want R&R here already. I miss him. A lot.

All in all, last night was a really good night and I am really glad I went out. I needed it. I just wish it was with ... Him.

Enjoy today's photograph. Until next time ...

The Great Challenge: Day Fourteen ...

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without .. (January 14, 2011)

Our little family .. They all three are my rocks and I am incredibly grateful for having them in my life and by my side each and every day. Yes .. Even my two boys who do not speak, but yet show me more and more love and emotion every single day. I can always rely on these three to wipe my tears and make me laugh.
Sidenote: I wanted to include my parents, sister and her fiancee, and my in-laws also because I would be completely and utterly lost with out any of these people in my life and to keep me going through each and every day .. But I figured combining all those photographs would just have been a little too much. So I kept it simple and just made it about our little Milo family.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Thirteen ...

Nothing special to write about today .. Had my "actual" first day of class this week since the last three days were snow/ice days and it was cancelled. I still had my online classes but it was nice to be in the classroom and walking around on campus. My teacher made a funny today. I was in my Crime Scene Processing class and she asked us if we wanted to go to the school morgue to identify and fingerprint dead bodies. We all said .. YES! Of course. We are all sick-minded, it's great. Then she said .. "Alright, I'll take you to do the dead guy .. Well, not do haha .. But fingerprint him." It was hilarious, we all laughed. She is a fun teacher, I had her last semester and now have her for two classes this semester. I am thinking of looking into taking a Private Investigator course this summer which is only about four to six months long. Then I would be certified. Pretty neat. Also, my teacher told us how she is a certified bomb technician and used to work for the Department of Defense. I stayed after class and talked to her about her experience and where she went to get certified. It is only a seven week course at Texas A&M. I am considering on doing it. Not sure when, but I think it would be awesome to be certified in that and hey .. It can't hurt to add that to my resume! I have to talk to Soldier about all these big decisions .. Since his career takes some priority due to the Army controlling where we live and what all else goes on in our lives. Plus, we want to start trying for babies once he is home from deployment, so going to Texas for seven weeks, pregnant, might be a little tough. Bleh .. Decisions, decisions. It will all work out in some way or another. I am sure of it! Everything happens for a reason, I always and will always believe in that.

Until next time ...

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist .. (January 13, 2011)

I obviously have more than one :)

My girls - Sara and Missy get me through all of my rollercoaster of times and whenever I need a pick-me-up, they are always there through it all.

The Band Perry && Caitlin and Will - My current favorite band as of today. I switch artists like every week. But they have stuck around for almost a month now. They keep me sane during this deployment. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Twelve ...

Day 12 - A picture of something you love .. (Janurary 12, 2011)

Each time I open the mailbox and see a beat up envelope that made it all the way from Afghanistan makes me so giddy.

I love seeing those hand-written words that tell me he loves me, he misses me, and he cannot wait to see me again. Seeing it hand-written, to me, seems so much more meaningful because he took time out of his day to go buy that card, write down a note to express his feelings, and put it in the mailbox to be sent home.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ice, ice baby ...

Another snow day .. Or better yet, an ice day. We had freezing rain overnight and literally my entire backyard was like an ice rink. It was fun and hilarious watching the boys try to walk on the ice. They were slipping and sliding all over and wondering what the hell is up with the ground. It was cute. We had fun ice skating for free in our backyard .. But other than that, I have been enjoying the fact that I am stuck in my house due to my driveway being frozen over. Schools are still closed tomorrow, as of right now, thankfully I am also taking online classes which have been keeping me extra busy these past two days. All the wonderful "introductions" and "get to know me's" that you have to post for your classmates to comment on. Oh joy. I just am ready to get into the semester and to be so busy with assignments, tests, and mid-term/finals that the time just flies by and Soldier will be home for R&R. I think that is asking a tad bit much granted the semester just started yesterday. Silly Sarah, time doesn't fly by that fast. Durr.

I am excited though about a couple of things .. I am on a couple of those "Army wife" sites for the duty station that you are stationed at on Facebook. Well, a couple other wives posted announcements about an all girls Soccer team and also an all girls Volleyball team. I am so excited. I used to play both of those sports when I was younger and have been anxiously wanting to get back into any of my sports for a while now. It is something that will get me out of the house a lot more and also help time go by a teeny bit quicker. Soccer should be starting at the end of this month until I believe March .. Not sure, still waiting on some information. Volleyball starts March until April. So I am going to be a busy girl .. Yippee!!

As the typical girl I am .. I posted yet another status on Facebook saying how I am so excited to play Soccer and Volleyball again. Well, I guess Soldier popped online this morning and just left a "?" on my status. Ha, typical him. So typical. I just wrote back that I would explain, and it wasn't like the last time I wanted to join a team. (If ya'll read the co-ed Soccer team I wanted to join, you'd know what I'm referring to). So, I got an email several hours later just asking for the information and details about the Soccer team. He didn't say anything about Volleyball. Hmm, wonder why. I guess because guys don't typicall play Volleyball? .. Or at least male Soldiers? Maybe. But, I wrote him back telling him what I knew and explained in great detail that it is definitly an all women's team. Haven't heard anything back yet, hopefully he isn't popping a blood vessel by worrying about me with a whole bunch of females kicking a ball around on a field. Yikes, I guess that is a lot to worry about. Hardy-harr.

Until next time ..

The Great Challenge: Day Eleven ...

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate .. (January 11, 2011)

Saying goodbye is one of the most emotional and painful things to do. Not only does it bring tears but the first couple weeks it brings heartache. But with every goodbye comes an amazing welcome home feeling that I look forward to each and everyday. It is what gets me through each deployment.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy girl right here ...

It's a snow day! And it is still coming down. I absoultely love the snow and the winter weather. I let the boys out and we just played and played in the snow. We are taking a break now and will go back out later. It is absolutely beautiful. I have my blinds open and am just enjoying watching the white snowflakes gently fall down. Happy, happy girl. On top of that, it is the first day of school. I am a total nerd and absolutely enjoy school. It will honestly be very hard when I do graduate and am not attending classes anymore, but I am anxious to get into my career job. I am torn, but am in no rush. The morning has turned out to be a really great morning so far, I am hoping the rest of the day will too. The Army base is closed, so I guess I will just have to relax and take the day off from working out .. Darn. More time to spend with my boys and throw snowballs and make snow angels with them. I hope everyone else is having a good day and if it is snowing where you are, go outside and enjoy it! Soak it up, drink some hot chocolate and just be thankful for all that we have.

Sam-Man running to play in the backyard

Major-Magoo wanting a drink but it's covered in snow

The boys playing in our backyard

Our frontyard .. And it's still coming down

Our home enjoying it's second snow day of the year

The Great Challenge: Day Ten ...

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the craziest things with .. (January 10, 2011)

For all the crazy, wild, random adventures I do in my lifetime .. I always know it is you that will be right there by my side. You are my partner in crime, my best friend, and the one I can always, truly be myself around. I love you. I miss our goofy... faces and laughs. Hurry home, Soldier so we can continue making great memories together.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Great Challenge: Day Nine ...

You know, I am having a blast doing this photo challenege .. But I thought before I started it that it would make time go by faster. I was wrong. It is making January drag right on by. It is probably because I am anticipating the next day to post another photograph and then I realize .. Oh man, we are only on January 9th. But I just have to keep thinking that when I am finished with this 30-day photo challenge, I am 30 days closer to Soldier being home. *Sigh* It sounds easy in words, I just wish January and the rest of the months will hurry on up.

Anyway .. Here you go ...

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most .. (January 9, 2011)

My Daddy - He has always been my huge supporter and my rock when it came to sports. He would always push me harder and pick me up when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I'm forever your little cannon-ball. I love you Daddy. Thank you for all the encouraging words through all of my sports and for always being my number one fan. Xoxo

My Mommy - She is my best friend and the one I turn to for everything and anything. She has mended my broken heart, been my shoulder to cry on, and is the person to listen to me vent and rant about all my problems, no matter the time or place. She has made me who I am today and without her, I would have been competely lost. I love you Mommy. Forever your baby girl. Xoxo

Saturday, January 8, 2011

He took it as a hint ...

So this morning I received a lovely package from my Soldier .. Well not so much a package but a new, fresh bouquet of flowers. I am guessing he saw my picture I posted yesterday for my photo challenge and although it was not a hint at all, he took it as one. So now I have fresh, new yellow roses that will sit on my bedside .. Until those too dry out. Which I don't mind at all, I actually for some reason like dried out flowers. They hold memories of when I received them and why I received them and I love looking at them and just thinking of my Soldier and knowing he is the one to have sent them to me.

Part of his card had read .. "Looks like your last ones were dry enough. I hope these brighten your day. I love you"

Why yes babe, they certainly did brighten my day. Anything from you always brightens my day. I love you too.

Now .. Let's see, what day is it. The eighth .. So here's my photo for the day. Enjoy!

The Great Challenge: Day Eight ...

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh .. (January 8, 2011)

The Cyranski style of opening a bottle of wine .. Nail and pliers! Makes me laugh to this day! Miss you two!

Story behind this photograph: These are two of our closest friends who had to PCS to Fort Carson, Colorado. The night before they were leaving, we had dinner and hung out at their apartment. Well the movers had already packed up everything .. Including their bottle opener. So, no worries! We found a nail and pliers and it worked just as great! Such great memories with them and we cannot wait to be reunited with them someday in the future!