While making my way across the United States to visit my really good friend in Colorado, it got me thinking .. You sit next to random people each flight, walk by complete strangers in the airport, and each person has their own story .. Their own world .. Their own destination. That fascinates me, and makes me curious to know what their story is. Where are they from? Where are they headed? Are they going to visit a friend like me, visit family, attend a wedding .. Or perhaps a funeral? Surprise birthday for their six year old daughter .. Or perhaps a husband just trying to make their way home to their loved ones. Oh, the limitless adventures.
Where am I from? I didn’t grow up Military or anything remotely close to that, my grandfather served in WWII but I never met him, only hear stories. I wish I did so I could give him a hug and thank him for risking his life for this country we have today. But I am from the Military now. This is my life. So you ask, where am I from. Born and raised in California but now I am on my own adventure into this crazy, rollercoaster of a ride that we like to call life. It has brought me into the Military life .. And I wouldn’t change that for the life of me. We have only been at one duty station (as of right now) but we are just beginners in this lifestyle. What about those that have been to four, five, even ten different duty stations. Where are you from? Each place you go to is your home in your own way. We pack, we move, we settle until we are called onto our next destination. For some, home is Iraq or Afghanistan .. Others it is the same exact house that you grew up in and plan to raise your children in. It’s mind boggling to where our lives have taken us. I love hearing everyone’s own adventure. Each one is different, in their own way. It has to be. We are all unique. We may be living this same Military lifestyle but we each make it different.
I will update about my trip to Colorado along with some pictures within the next few days. I get to pick up my boys from their mini-vacation tomorrow and get back on track with school and unpacking. Bare with me, I feel like I am going to be running around with my head cut off these next few weeks .. Yay, R&R so soon.
Stick around. Until next time …
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