I can't thank Allison, from Our Piece of Paradise, enough. This really means a lot to me because I just started blogging a couple months ago and am slowly gaining some followers. It is nice to get out my thoughts, frustrations, sadness, or any other emotion I am feeling through writing .. And to have people want to read and, at times, comment back. It makes me feel all warm inside.
So not only a big thanks to Allison for this award .. But to everyone else following and enjoying my blog! It is greatly appreciated.
So here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person that has given you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award the blogs you feel deserve the award.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award.
Seven things about myself:
1. I hate pulling weeds. I refuse to do it.
2. I have a weakness for swedish fish and sour patch kids.
3. I am 3/4 Italian.
4. I studied Sign Language for two semesters. I miss it and want to become fluent in it.
5. I keep my inner teenager alive by watching Saved By The Bell every weekday morning.
6. I used to dance ballet for four years in high school. Miss it everyday.
7. I am a goof ball and I am more book-smart than street-smart. Just ask Soldier. I say some of the stupidest things .. But it makes him laugh, so it works out in the end.
Some of the blogs I love to follow and am always curious to see what is written next ...
The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S.
Waiting for the Welcome Home Marine
Now on to do my preparations for Soldier's R&R homecoming. Time to get all prettified and to get the dogs ready for all our reunions!
Until next time ...
haha.. im watching saved by the bell right now!