Any day now! Eeeeek.
Just got a phone call from Soldier. Eeeek. I am so giddy right now. It is becoming that much more real. It is FINALLY almost our turn. So soon. So freakin' soon! Ahhhh.
Now to calm down, if that is even possible, and answer some fun questions.
Eeeek!!! :)
Go link up with Life As I Know It and answer some fun, get-to-know me questions!

Question One:
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
Answer: My wedding ring of two years. Promise ring of three years. And a little Mexican bracelet that Soldier bought me on our pre-deployment cruise last June. I used to wear an anklet that he also bought me, but that broke .. But this little bracelet is holding on, and I am determined to make it last all deployment.
Question Two:
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Answer: Have to represent my Italian side and twirl it.
Question Three:
How many siblings do you have?
Answer: One sister, one half-brother, and one half-sister. (Don't really technically consider my half-sister as family. Long story. One that I probably will never tell.)
Question Four:
Were you named after anyone?
Answer: I don't believe so .. But, I was named Carly for the first day I was born. Then my Mother looked at me and said, "She does not look like a Carly." And changed my name to Sarah. I have insanely curly hair, I could not imagine growing up as Carly with the curly hair.
Question Five:
Coke or Pepsi?
Answer: Diet coke. Damn in-laws got me hooked.
I would love to have some of that curly hair...