Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It Feels A Lot Like Christmas ...

I am trying to keep the holiday cheer in my house no matter how lonely it feels without my Soldier. Two years ago when he came home from his last deployment for our first Christmas together, I decorated our tiny apartment with an artificial tree since we were heading home for the holidays and some leave time. Well digging through the decorations again, two years later, made me realize that our apartment is teeny-tiny compared to our house! So ... Out I went to Walmart to buy some decorations. I definitly spoiled our tree and house this Christmas :). When I first put up our tree, I used what ornaments and decorations we had (which was nothing) and it looked exactly like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. My mom and sister got a great laugh out of that. (You will see a picture). Once I got my new decorations and added them onto our tree, it definitly looks a lot better and more like what a Milo christmas tree should look like. I bought four stockings for me, my Soldier, and our two dogs. Nothing too special since next year when my Soldier is home again we will go all out and make our own stockings, but just something to bring the holiday cheer into our home while he's away. I bought some basic colored lights to decorate our front porch and some cute little white snowflakes for our pathway. Well ... That didn't go so well. I couldn't find out extension cord and the package of colored lights I bought ended up being too short and same with the snowflakes. So in the middle of attempting to put up the outside decorations in the 20 degree weather, I just felt down. I picked the lights and snowflakes up and put it all away in our decoration tuff box. I figured .. Since I am going home in about a week, at least the inside of our home is decorated. Until next year when he is home, he can help out with the outside lights. I mean, isn't that what husbands are for? To put up Christmas lights right after Thanksgiving! :). It just made me realize that he won't be home for Christmas, or New Years, or our anniversary. Tis the life of an Army wife :). I just have to pick up my head and know that July will be right around the corner. I am missing the whole holiday shopping and cooking with him but I am just continually grateful that he is safe and as of right now, will be heading home safe and soundly to me .. In one piece. I can't ask for anymore than that through the holidays. Santa .. Keep my Soldier safe and spoil him dearly with half-decent baked goodies that will be arriving to him via care package. I appreciate it. :)

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