Been MIA due to R&R .. If you couldn't tell from the last blog post.
Soldier is asleep on the recliner right next to me. He got his leave extended due to doctor appointments. He is okay. Just with the bombing incident that happened in January, he didn't receive the proper tests in Afghanistan so both him and his higher ups discussed and decided that it would be best for him to get those done here at the hospital on Bragg and receive results then head back once everything is clear. Which will be in about another week. So .. Yay on the fact that he is staying a tad bit longer. Boo on the fact that we have to deal with doctors and the hospital. I hate the hospital .. And given our past with the hospital, I am terrified.
I will save that story for another blog entry.
So apologies for being MIA .. But I am sure ya'll understand. So in that case .. I'm not sorry.
Updates and pictures will be coming soon. Be patient.
Until next time ...
Yay for an extra week together, even if it does involve tests and whatnot!